Tuesday, June 29, 2010

More Summer Fun

Well how much do you LOVE this new addition to the family? Molly added an amazing classic car to her stable. :) Sorry, I paused...wiping drool off of the keyboard. If you like this picture, check out the next. Sigh...

Yep. You should hear her purrr....the car that is. LOL But I am sure Molly can purr too. :)

This picture was taken looking south from Mom & Dad's backyard. The colors were bursting right before your eyes. Glorious.

This picture was taken looking towards the west from the front yard. Breathless was I.

A sunset that I hope to remember for a long time. It was so vivid and looked just like fire.

As I drove down the road and passed brother Greg's homestead, I see lots of folks out in the pasture watching a calf being born. Awwww....I am glad it was her and not me. :)

Back in Colden, I offered Peter my camera and he told me to stop while crossing the road. He wanted to catch our shadows!

This spring and summer we have had many blue birds. This blue bird house has hosted two families of little ones so far. I think blue birds are so beautiful. The blue on the male birds is so striking.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Projects I

When it comes to the old fashioned barn raising...here you go. Sarah and Mike's new home needed the old roof removed and a new from scratch was placed. Family and friends helped out with the project. Including Cody, Mike's dad John, Keith and Mike.

Jim was the director (yep, that is a good word), and he even created/made/designed roof scrapers with T-handles that made the job much easier on the hands. In this picture is Mike, Nick, Jim and Sarah. She didn't need to go to the gym the days she worked on the roof. :) We call this the "Jim Membership"

Back at home in the wood shop Jim has designed a book/toy shelf for all of Peter's STUFF. Beautiful cherry wood was picked for this heirloom.

We decided to go for a walk and scout out any trees that might have fallen so we can report back to Papa Jim. Peter found a spot to linger and enjoy the sunshine.

The clouds have been just amazing as of late. Each time I take notice they are more beautiful. Colors can only be captured in the mind but my camera can offer you an idea.