Yes, it is finished the the next step is waiting for the grass to grow! This summer the project included one structural engineer with a vision, 11 truck loads of gravel, 1,500 lbs.
quickcrete, 20,000 lbs. retaining wall units, 1 custom precast cap, 1 special order light, 6 cubic yards concrete, 20,000 lbs. of open pavers, 20 lbs. of grass seed, 9 bales of straw 1/2 truck load of topsoil, compost oh, of course one beautiful supportive wife, and the sidewalk and driveway ~ PRICELESS. :)
Looking up at the hill from the top of our road...lovely.
I love the blue sky and sunshine against the trees in our yard. Fall is my all time favorite time of the year. One of the reasons to love
Yep...it is that time of year for Sally the sawmill to come out and show her stuff.