Monday, October 31, 2011

Finishing Fall projects on the Hill

Jim now has the ULTIMATE set up for making firewood.  You have Johnny Deere, Peggy the Processor and Katie Kubota all at his mercy.  :)

Check out this firewood pouring off the conveyor and ready to sit until next fall.

His new grapple that sort of looks like a part to a metal monster, like a transformer?  LOL

Katie Kubota works like a charm to keep things going smoothly.

After spending the day up north I came home to our first SNOW.  Uggg.  Hello Winter, welcome?

I got up bright and early to check out the chance for some Kodak moments.

Bella doesn't even seem to mind.  Can you see her there in the white snow cover?

The great news is that the SUN, wonderful SUN is out and helping to melt that darn white stuff.  :)

Brothers.  Yes, how blessed we are that we have 2 healthy, smiling, happy grandsons.  It is so delightful to watch James smile, coo and respond to Peter...and me too.  LOVE.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Paul Bunyan, The Original American Forestry Show !

Sharpen those axes and snap those suspenders! The Official Paul Bunyan Show, one of the nation’s largest and oldest forest industry trade shows, took place  this October 2011 at the Guernsey County Fairgrounds in Old Washington, Ohio. Jim was in attendance to experience the fun!  Now, for the first time...Jim is going to offer his own words below to tell you about his trip.  :)

These sawmills are ready for the sawmill shootout. I'll tell you Woodmizer had a LT15 souped up with a 28 hp engine and power feed assisted with a separate single blade edger with two guys and man can they put out the wood! As you can see in the background, this place has LOTS of big boy toys.  lol.

This is part of the Game of Logging professional competition. In this event the competitor has to fell the tree pole (25 to 30 feet tall) and land the center of the target on the spike. About half got about like this.

A few got this close.

But the last competitor nailed it! Great job.

I found my next chainsaw, but I have to grow a tree BIG enough to use it on. This is Stihl's largest saw (MS 880) with their second longest bar (47 inches).

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Time to put the roof on !

 Just another LOVELY fall morning with the vibrant colors greeting us.  Daisy the Dozer is keeping guard of the new barn and proud that she had a part in the construction too.

Shawn and Jim waiting on me this morning to "getter done", can you hear Jim's foot tapping?  LOL

Jim is putting his great engineering skills to work for us.  Pipe inserted and rope in place, on your mark..get set...PULL !


Amazing, sky light and all.  Nice job, guys.  Now we just need a bit more tying down and there you have it, Jim's new barn.

The king and queen all tucked in place, until the firewood kicks them out.

So, I HAD to include another new baby picture with his grandpa.  James squared.  :)

And of course, Bella and her favorite "boy".  A wonderful slow Saturday morning at Papa & Lala's. 

The Fabric Barn Part III

The end panel is up and ready to be attached.  Jim is up there trying to anchor it in place while we wrap it to the pipes.

The days are noticeably getting shorter and Jim's work light will be leaving soon.  :(

Ta da !  Looking good Mr. Stromecki.

This is where I suggest we set up the flood light as I am sure he will be working at least until 9pm.

Yep, working into the evening...supper is going to be late for sure.

These boots are made for working and that's just what they'll do...he knows how to put the "work" in work boots.  All in all, it is coming together.  Yay!